061: Slated by Teri Terry

Title: Slated
Author: Teri Terry
Stars: ★★★★☆

Blurb: Kyla’s memory has been erased,
her personality wiped blank,
her memories lost for ever. 

She’s been Slated.

The government claims she was a terrorist and that they are giving her a second chance – as long as she plays by their rules. But echoes of the past whisper in Kyla’s mind. Someone is lying to her, and nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust in her search for the truth?


I actually surprised myself with this book as recently I’ve been off YA fiction and anything dystopian but this book changed all that. However, I will admit that I’ve had it saved on my Kindle since the start of May and have only just decided to read it.

The story is set in England, which makes a nice (If that’s the right word.) change to other dystopia’s that are often set in America and it also seems realistic, especially with the mentions of Coalition Governments and the UK withdrawing from the EU. We just need a mention of an arsehole foreign President and it really could be set today!

The actual year of the story is 2054 (I’ll be 62 by then!) so it’s just far enough in the future for the technology to exist but also not too far for it to be distracting.

Kyla might not be my favourite character ever created but she’s definitely better than a lot of other characters I’ve read. She seems to handle things rationally but she also seems to know everything just by people’s expressions, which was quite annoying.

The adults actually seemed quite competent as well, which is very rare for YA fiction. I found Sandra, the Mum, to be a 3D character with a lot of depth. In fact, I found that the female characters seemed to have a lot more depth than the male characters did. Apart from Mac, he seemed pretty cool.

The main thing I disliked was the romance; it was too quick and felt shoehorned in. It seemed a little slow at the start too, but I managed to quickly get through it.

Overall, I would recommend this book as I actually really enjoyed it and can’t wait to read the sequels.

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