Is there this girl around you that you’ve known for some time and you think she’s such a cutie but just not really sure whether she likes you (more than a friend)?
Well here are 5 signs that might help you with determining just that!

1) She smiles at you.
If she’s like always smiling at you in a manner that puts a blush to your face, then yeah there you have it she likes you, and probably more than a friend.

2) She holds eye contact with you.
If she looks into your eyes and it’s coupled with a smile, there’s a really good chance that she’s just interested in you. A woman wouldn’t look at something she isn’t interested in for too long. Unless she’s creepy or something.

3) She compliments you.
People normally say or do good things to the people they like. If she gives your outfit or your new hair style a compliment, it means she is aware of your changes and in short, she’s looking at you with the details. If she ain’t interested or she doesn’t find you attractive, she wouldn’t even be looking at you. This is especially true when you did some not so obvious change such as… putting a new cologne and she goes like, “you smell great today, new perfume?”. Then I guess you’re in luck haha

4) She fidgets whenever you’re near her.
It shows she’s nervous at your presence and she really want to make the best out of herself in front of you.

5) When she touches you.
Not referring to the pervy kind of touch. The most casual of touch, say… a pat on your arm or nudging you, it shows her interest. A sure-fire way to know is when you return her touch, and she doesn’t retract herself, then YES! She sure is interested in being more than friends (;


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