When we opened our doors a little less than four months ago, one of our primary goals was to become a community hub. A small town needs a place to fuel expanding minds and foster diverse conversations. We believed that books had the power to draw people out and to bring them together and we wanted to write a new and exciting chapter on connection. What remained to be seen, however, was whether or not the “if you build it, they will come,” concept would actually work. So, how’s it going? The short answer is: we couldn’t be happier. From day one, we’ve seen the interest and felt the excitement as customers discover our happy little store. People are surprised and delighted that we offer new books and in such a wide variety of topics. It’s wonderful watching folks connect over a hot-off-the-press title or suggest their favorite read from a best selling author. All ages, all backgrounds, all demographics … in a bookstore, no one leaves a stranger. In just these few short months, we’ve expanded our shelf space and our event calender largely in response to the community need. We’re hosting multiple book clubs, book launches, children’s story time and starting in October, an evening Read Aloud. The best part? Being a part of the community. Some days it’s ordering a special request. Some days it’s saying yes to a hopeful new author. Or welcoming guests to a book launch. And sometimes it’s simply sharing a friendly wave hello with neighbor. It does indeed take a village and we’re happy to be a part of yours! Visit our Events page to download our current Event Calender.
A New Chapter on Connection
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