An Open Heart

You hear a lot about the importance of an open mind. That you need to always be open to new experiences, new people, open to everything. I think people got it all turned around. Don’t get me wrong, I think being willing to try something new is healthy and even encouraged. But just being willing to do anything outside of your comfort range can get you into some troubling situations.

People often forget about the other. You can have the most open mind and still have walls surrounding your heart. Having an open heart mean that you listen to peoples’ stories, experiences, and ideas with love and compassion. Having an open heart means that you love everyone unconditionally. Having an open heart means you are willing to care for those around you even if you don’t participate with them. But having an open heart still allows you to have boundaries and the ability to choose freely what you wish to do.

We often have the struggle of choosing between having our own opinions and standards and having an open mind. The truth is…I don’t think you have to. I think the solution to this dilemma is choosing something else entirely: having an open heart. See, you have all the benefits of a carefree attitude and get to enjoy new situations whether it be through stories or your own experiences, with out having the dilemma of not being able to say no. You can have a closed mind on certain areas of your mind and have an open heart. It allows you to feel and be safe all the while growing and learning. You can be your own person, with your own ideas without having to put yourself in harms way.

You don’t have to choose. You can have standards for your own life without judging others. And in my eyes…that seems like a win-win.

That is all I have for today. Have a wonderful seven days. Next week I will be posting for the holidays and am excited to share these times with you!!! If there are topics or recipes you wish to discuss, please feel free to email me, leave a comment, or find me through the social media links provided below, and I will get to you as soon as possible!


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