And Then She was Gone 3 – The End (Pages 176 – end)



The last part of the book shows us the family sorting out Laurel’s issues after the kidnapping through equine therapy. This brings Laurel closer to her family, and she and her mother are able to reconcile. I have to say that I don’t know why Laurel found it so difficult to accept her mother back in her life. Rachel was very pro-active, and it is true that she could be quite controlling, which reminded Laurel of her time with Kevin, but I didn’t see any nastiness from Rachel, and I think her family didn’t treat her as she should.

Laurel finally decides to move back into her family home. It is not easy for her, and she even has to find refuge in her sister’s bedroom as she feels unable to sleep on her own. I like how Laurel and Sierra connect with each other, and even though Sierra is only eleven, she can be wise in the way the world nowadays works, which Laurel is ignorant of.

The family get confirmation that Mac is not dead. When Kevin is threatened with the death penalty, he confesses that Mac didn’t die, but he won’t say anything else. Rachel and Laurel try to find out where the little girl might have ended up, but they can’t find anything and the police is not much better. The key is Kevin, and he tells the police that he will tell where Mac is if Laurel visits him. Laurel is scared, but she decides to do it for her little girl’s sake, and in prison Kevin tells her that he sold Mac to one of the ladies that had a stall in the open market through another seller. Kevin is hateful when he talks to Laurel, and he is deluded into thinking that she will tell the police that it was her decision to be with him.

The police finally find out the truth, and Laurel finds her little girl with two sisters who she had met in the market when Kevin had taken her. Mac is cheerful and vivacious, and finally, the family is completed, having Mac with them.

I liked parts of the story, but sometimes the book dragged too long. I found some events far-fetched, and sometimes the characters did not ring true.

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