ARC Review: So Over You (Chicago Rebels #2) by Kate Meader

Title: So Over You (Chicago Rebels #2)

Author: Kate Meader

Publisher: Pocket Books

Publication Date: December 4, 2017

Genre: Contemporary, Romance

Format: eBook, Print

Length: 400 pages

Rating: 3.75 Stars



Three estranged sisters struggle to sustain their late father’s failing hockey franchise in Kate Meader’s sizzling Chicago Rebels series. In this second entry, middle sister Isobel is at a crossroads in her personal and professional lives. But both are about to get a significant boost with the addition of a domineering Russian powerhouse to the Rebels…

Isobel Chase knows hockey. She played NCAA, won silver at the Games, and made it thirty-seven minutes into the new National Women’s Hockey League before an injury sidelined her dreams. Those who can’t, coach, and a position as a skating consultant to her late father’s hockey franchise, the Chicago Rebels, seems like a perfect fit. Until she’s assigned her first job: the man who skated into her heart as a teen and relieved her of her pesky virginity. These days, left-winger Vadim Petrov is known as the Czar of Pleasure, a magnet for puck bunnies and the tabloids alike. But back then… let’s just say his inability to sink the puck left Isobel frustratingly scoreless.

Vadim has a first name that means “ruler,” and it doesn’t stop at his birth certificate. He dominates on the ice, the practice rink, and in the backseat of a limo. But a knee injury has produced a bad year, and bad years in the NHL don’t go unrewarded. His penance? To be traded to a troubled team where his personal coach is Isobel Chase, the woman who drove him wild years ago when they were hormonal teens. But apparently the feeling was not entirely mutual.

That Vadim might have failed to give Isobel the pleasure that was her right is intolerable, and he plans to make it up to her—one bone-melting orgasm at a time. After all, no player can perfect his game without a helluva lot of practice…


♦ Personal Thought ♦

So Over You is a second chance story starring the second Chase sister, Isobel, and the Rebels’ moody left-winger Russian, Vadim. I wasn’t too keen on Isobel when I first glimpsed of her on Irresistible You, most likely out of sympathy to what Harper had gone through (as in poor treatment from their father, Isobel being the favorite and all). But this second installment to the “Chicago Rebels” series warm me up to her, as we witness the rousing relationships between the three sisters. That’s more than boosting up the overall impact of the story for me.

The familial issue is not solely on Isobel’s side; Vadim has his own to deal with. Without giving out any spoiler – though I’m sure readers would guess the truth of it soon enough – the thought that haunting him is heartbreaking. That saying, I do feel the Russia part of his life isn’t dug in enough other than mentioning the wealth en passant.

On the romance front – considering the MCs are a pair of headstrong characters – this fast-paced book delivers a stimulating story on and off the ice. I find it quite amusing how their short scorching history left such opposite impact on both side. It’s very entertaining the way the story and conversation flow as Isobel and Vadim weave their way through; making tough choices and facing off consequences.

Although read independently as a standalone, I recommend to read this series consecutively for a more well-rounded sense of the story. I for one eagerly look forward to – at least – stories of two couples that have been left unsolved here (you’ll get my drift from the blurb of next installments of the series. *wink*).


Advanced copy of this book is kindly provided by the author/publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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