Sea of Rust

“Sea of Rust” felt like reading a “Mad Max 2” and “Mad Max: Fury Road” novel.

One of the best books I’ve read all year. It’s fast paced, full of well-written action. It has the flow of a film, likely because of C. Robert Cargill’s experience as a screenwriter. There’s enough excitement and backstory to keep readers entertained.

The characters are fun with just enough development. Well, each character gets a page or a chapter of development. And it served its purpose enough to get us, rather, me, interested or like them.

It’s Brittle, the main protagonist, our first-person narrator we get to spend much of our time with. She’s probably the most reliable-unreliable narrator I’ve encountered in first-person perspectives. We see the world how she describes it and understand the history as she knows it. Also, that ending was terrific and emotional in every possible way.

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