THE LOVE STORY. I am ready to share what happens next in the story I have been sharing over the past six months, THE STORY OF MY LIFE. For the first installments go to #becomingmepartone. LOVE HAPPENED. So I left you at a point in my story where I was enjoying a few seemingly easy and happy years of my life in my mid-twenties, but where I also was drifting further and further away from my true self. In retrospect I see that I didn’t trust that the true me was good enough, not in my own eyes, nor in the eyes of others. So I did what I could to fit myself into a frame I felt was likeable to most. I had just landed a new job which I was feeling THRILLED about, and I was sendt on business to the beautiful country of Lithuania. I did not travel alone, with me were one colleague and a group of Norwegian cultural workers. Amongst them, were YOU. Standing there, at the airport in Oslo, waiting for the group to gather, I had no way of anticipating what was about to happen. I was at the time living in a happy relationship, and all was well. None the less, THERE YOU WERE. I knew from that very first moment, FROM THAT MOMENT (if it even lasted long enough to deserve to be called a moment), that micro-nano-split second that our eyes just briefly met, where we just barely dared to lock on to each other’s gaze for not more than the tinyest fraction of time, BUT IT WAS LONG ENOUGH. Long enough, for me to be struck by an overwhelming SENSE OF KNOWING, that appeared to me to come out of nowhere, that FROM NOW ON, FROM THIS MOMENT, MY LIFE, WOULD NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN. I JUST KNEW. I didn’t know ANYTHING about you. Not even your name. I had no clue as to HOW this stranger somehow was about to turn my life completely upside down, but I knew that it was already IRREVERSIBLE. The following days were… INTERESTING. Traveling around Lithuania visiting different places, I as one of the leaders of the trip, you as one of the participants. I got to know you. A little. Pieces of information here and there. Conversations in the back of an old minivan,
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