Hello everybody!
I hope you are having a lovely day.
I would like to share to you the latest book I read. It is not exactly one of the most recents books that were released. I also was quite late in getting my copy (which I regret but better late than never and am so glad I did). It was an exquisite and inspiring read.
Long story short, the book I am talking about is Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic – Creative Living Beyond Fear”.
The book resonated to me, as I am someone who struggled in bringing back creative living in my life – having kept it in the back seat (on silent mode) for a good few years in my life until it itched its way back super strongly (as the saying goes: “Chassez-le naturel, il revient au galop”).
It used to come effortlessly to me when I was a child and in my teenage years. Then, I stopped. Even when – mind you it kicked back and I went to study in ALBA (Academie Libanaise des Beaux Arts) and let my creative side loose. And it was a blast!! But then, something again happened and I stopped again…
Until it started to jiggle in me again and kick me back in the butt wanting to express itself – regardless the outcome. To which Elizabeth Gilbert rightfully says “An abiding stereotype of creativity is that it turns people crazy. I disagree: Not expressing creativity turns people crazy. (…) Bring forth what is within you, then, whether it succeeds or fails, (…) It doesn’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to be Plato. It’s all just an instinct and an experiment and a mystery, so begin. Begin anywhere, preferably right now. And if greatness should ever accidentally stumble upon you, let it catch you hard at work. Hard at work, and sane”. Ouhhh!!! This just rang right home for me!!!!
I simply loved this piece among other extracts I can dig out now, but I actually did that in the vlog – have a look at it here.
It was not a book I was able to put down easily. Either I would fall asleep while reading or I had to tend to my work thus needed to stop. “Sinon”, here I was with my nose and thoughts stuck in the book.
Sometimes, I burst into laughter (even in public places like the beach or coffee shops I took this book at – yes yes) and sometimes I just sat there and as I was reading, I dreamt off and wondered… about the people mentioned in the book; the author as if she was RIGHT next to me…. and then… I wondered about myself, my path and most importantly: of what becomes possible again ❤
Let me know if you have read the books what your thoughts are. I would love to connect and discuss wit you