Blah Blah Blah

So, I started my 30 day meditation challenge and I feel pretty great actually. I told MM that I would not be keeping in touch during this period, but of course I’ve heard from him. I don’t understand the issue with needing space and why he feels so strongly about not giving me any. It’s annoying but at the same time it makes me want him more. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

We aren’t seeing one another and haven’t for 6 months, but he insist on being friends. I don’t get it or understand it. I am pretty sure I’m his comfort blanket, and not talking to me makes him feel unwanted by both me and his wife (who he is currently separated from). I was told they both have separate apartments and are cordial. You think I care about either, I honestly just want out. I just want to wake up one morning and not give a shit. Until that day comes I will continue to meditate and blog about it.

This too shall pass and all I will remember is blah blah blah.


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