Blockbuster Rebirth

Nightwing (Volume 4) #22
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Miguel Mendonca

Blockbuster returns in this issue! Blockbuster was basically the big bad of Bludhaven during the time I started reading comics and I am glad to see him returning again as Tim Seeley wonderfully builds up Bludhaven and Nightwing’s supporting cast again. This is something we haven’t seen since Infinite Crisis when Bludhaven was destroyed for no fucking reason other than that Dan Didio I assume. This issue made me think that maybe Ludendorf in the Wonder Woman film is not taking an early version of venom but maybe whatever Blockbuster takes? They are doing a Nightwing movie down the road, I suppose that is possible. Miguel Mendonca is an amazing artist and I hope he stays around for this book.  I did not see the final page coming.

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