Book Review – The Ask and The Answer by Patrick Ness

Book: The Ask and The Answer

Author: Patrick Ness

Format: Paperback

Rating: 5/5

Review: This is the second book in the ‘Chaos Walking’ trilogy and so far I’ve been absolutely loving these books. I read this book in about 6 days (although I had some days where I didn’t read at all so realistically it probably took me about 4) and I loved it. This book switches perspectives, and by that I mean it switches between the points of view of Todd and Viola who are both lovely and amazing characters. Having this duel-perspective first person narrative in the book meant that we got to understand Viola’s character a little better, as we didn’t get to experience that in the first book, but we also got to see the character development of Todd. One thing I still don’t understand with the book though is the relationship between Todd and Viola, as they clearly have emotions for each other but their actual relationship is left quite ambiguous but I guess that that’s the point. This book had a lot more action in it and it was more emotional and violent in my opinion in comparison to the previous book which made it more suspenseful and kept a faster pace. Again I love the writing style of Patrick Ness and the two perspectives are made very clear by Viola’s spelling being much better (to demonstrate that she has a much better education than Todd) and I am seriously enjoying this trilogy and it may be becoming a favourite of mine. I highly recommend this trilogy and as much as I am looking forward to finishing it, I also don’t want it to end!


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