Book review: ‘Red Notice’ by Bill Browder

Ever wondered what the Magnitsky Act is about? Why it became a US law Putin wants rolled back – at all costs? Why Canada recently implemented its version? Why Putin got Interpol to put Bill Browder on its ‘wanted’-list? Why Mr. Browder’s US visa were revoked, then reinstated?

Answers to these and a great many more questions can be found in Bill Browder’s ‘Red Notice. Personally, I think it is not just and excellent read. It is a must-read if one wants to know more about what is going on in present-day America.

The book is a personal account by Bill Browder. It start with him stuck at a Russian airport, then reveals a bit about his family and background. Things really start to move at a fast pace, when he ends up as a financial investor in Jeltsin‘s Russia.

Mr. Browder ‘s troubles started when as a hedge-fund manager, he noticed how Russian oligarchs started stripping the country bare. When one of these men tried to pull a dirty trick, Mr. Browder and his team decided to fight back. As taking on oligarchs was on Putin’s to-do list at the time, Mr. Browder and his team were successful.

But soon, things change for the worse. The investment fund is nearly stripped of all its assets. False tax-cases pop up, some funds suddenly turn out to have been appropriated by Russians.

Mr. Browder hires the right people and ultimately manages to move all assets out of the country. By then, many of his team have had to flee Russia as well.

One member who helped him, a young Russian accountant, refuses to flee to safety. Magnitsky, who has uncovered a nauseating scheme where a small group of Russians use billions of Russian taxpayers’ money to fund their exorbitant lifestyle, wrongly believes in his country and its legal system. Magnitsky is arrested, falsely accused, put in jail, tortured, denied medical help.

By then, Mr. Browder has changed from investor and fund-manager to Human Rights activist. Yet he is unable to ensure Sergej Magnitsky gets medical aid. In fact, Mr. Browder receives a phone-call one day and likely hears how Sergej Magnitsky is murdered.

As is usual in Russia and other countries: this murder is covered up. Unfortunately for the Putin regime, Mr. Browder does not give up. Pulling strings, using his large network, battling against the odds, Mr. Browder and his team of human rights activists manage to get senators interested.

In the end, two Congressmen support the bill which will become the Magnitsky Act. One of them is Republican senator McCain, the other Democrat senator Cardin. It is not the machinations in Russia which are fascinating. The machinations of the Obama-government are just as fascinating.

For the Obama government did not want the Magnitsky Act either – knowing full-well, Putin would retaliate. Interesting to read, how John Kerry behaves – with his eye on Hillary Clinton’s job.

By then, Bill Browder, his team and supporters have started to use social media. By then, the support for the Magnitsky Act has grown too strong to tank it. The Obama-government puts a brave face on developments.

Putin retaliates: American families are barred from adopting handicapped and severely ill Russian children. This is the tangle, that the “adoption lawyer” claims to have discussed in that secret meeting with the Trumps and Kushner and whoever else was in that – and other meetings.

After reading the book, I wondered if the tactics used by the Russian ‘policemen’ to lay hands on all Hermitage assets, might have been used on other investors in Russia. Could something similar have gone on with any Trump business interests? Was he blackmailed? Is this part of the ‘kompromat‘ Putin is rumored to have on Trump?

Regardless, Bill Browder is still being persecuted by Putin and the oligarchs. The recent ado about his US visa shows this. Putin is currently also trying to get other presidents and leaders to join in his hounding of Bill Browder. This is clear from Putin’s recent behaviour in Cyprus.

This book reads like a thriller and spy-novel – it is chilling to realize what it describes is our real world; no fantasy! It is of major importance to understand what is currently going on in America and elsewhere. It is an absolute must-read and as it is available in many translations: you have no excuse not to read it! .

“Red Notice”, Bill Browder, has seen several editions since it was first published. It is available in many translations and as kindle edition, hard back, paperback through Amazon and most bookshops.

UK Independent: Putin critic visa problems
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