Book Review: Demon Hunting with a Sexy Ex by Lexi George

Cassandra Ferguson McKenna, aka the Witch of Devil River, has only one thing to say to her demon-hunting ex: We are never ever getting back together. Sure, Duncan Dalvhani may be the hottest thing this side of the Mason-Dixon line. He’s got a body to die for—which is hard to ignore when he skinny dips in her river every day—and swears he loves her. But as a demon hunter, Duncan is the sworn enemy of a demonoid sorceress like Cassandra. Give him another chance to break her heart? Witch, please. But when Cassandra is attacked by a werewolf, Duncan not only comes to her rescue, he helps her take on a band of magic-drunk moonshiners, fire-breathing demons, shifty shapeshifters, and a pet Sasquatch named Sugar. Welcome to Alabama. But when a portal opens up for even more hellaciousness, Cassandra has to admit that Duncan is slowly opening her heart—to a whole new world of unearthly delights…

Rating: 5/10

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

When I received this book, I was not aware that is the fifth book in a series. However, this book does decently well as a stand-alone. It seems that things are rather loosely connected in this series, so while it would probably have been helpful to read the ones that came before, it remains understandable out of order. This might be because each book focuses on different characters.

With that caveat, this was an okay read. There was enough explanation in the beginning of the book for me to understand where Cassandra and Duncan stood with each other and why. For the most part, I liked the characters. Cassandra is a capable and take-no-crap woman, which I can respect, and Verbena is sweet and totally lovable. I am a little up in the air about Duncan, however. While he is mostly likable, he has a tendency to be possessive. A bit overly, in my opinion. This detracted from the romance for me, and since this makes up the brunt of the book, I was often left wondering why Cassie was putting up with him. Oh, yeah. Cause he’s hot.

I found myself more interested in the secondary characters. The plot itself felt rather disjointed at times and rushed in others giving the plot, outside of Cassie and Duncan’s romance, and very tossed-in feel. This would have been fine if Cassie and Duncan’s romance was something to get invested in, which, in my opinion, it was not.

While at times enjoyable, I found Demon Hunting with a Sexy Ex to be rather ‘eh’. It wasn’t bad; it wasn’t great. It just kind of exists.


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