Book Traveling Thursday: Ella Enchanted

Book Traveling Thursday is a book meme that involves book covers from different parts of the world. Rules include picking a book according to the theme and then posting the original covers, covers from your country, your favorite covers, and your least favorite covers. This week, the theme is: “Mickey Mouse’s Birthday is November 18th, so to honor the Mouse and Disney, show off your favorite retelling of a fairytale.”

To which I snorted and was tempted to put down Deerskin because HEY, that’s what Meg and I have been talking about all week in Fableulous Retellings! But while I did love Deerskin, there was a fairy tale retelling that started me on the road to fairy tale retellings, and it was Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine.

Original Cover

This is the cover I actually own of the book. Between my sister and me, our copy is pretty tarnished, considering how often we’d read it every year.

US Covers

There’s a lot more, but these were my favorites. The former because it lent similarities to the original, and the latter because it’s so nicely artistically rendered!

Favorite Covers

I like the symbolism in both the Romanian and Japanese covers. The Japanese wins out, though, because it’s definitely a good way to talk about Ella’s imprisonment to her obedience curse.

Least Favorite Cover

Ugh, I try to avoid movie covers when I can. This was kind of a disappointment, too, and the US movie cover really just looks like Lizzie Maguire meets fairy tales and sparkles.

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