Book Traveling Thursdays // A Book By Your Favorite Author

Book Traveling Thursdays is a weekly feature created by Danielle’s Book Blog and The Girl Who Read Too Much that highlights book covers from around the world. Starting tomorrow, I, Lauren, will be your host. So please, join the party and join the Goodreads group. The September themes have been posted in the Goodreads. But this week’s theme is a book by your favorite author. I personally think I am more inclined to have favorite books than I am to have favorite authors, so I am going to go with Audrey Niffenegger’s Her Fearful Symmetry. This is a book I recommend to everyone, I am eagerly awaiting the author’s next project, and I cannot wait to show you guys the covers.

Original Covers

These were the two covers for the book in the United States. On the left is the hardcover edition, and on the right is the paperback edition.

The hardcover edition isn’t bad but I don’t find it as inviting as the paperback edition. The paperback edition is the one that I Read, and I just really liked the composition of this cover.

Favorite Covers

There’s a delicate balance in this book between the normal and the creepy, and I think each of these covers conveys that aesthetic. For this book, my favorite covers are the Dutch, German, and two English editions. 

The Dutch edition gets the spirit of the book really well. It gets the idea of the mirror twins, but also the branch hanging over them. It’s sparse, but I think it gets the job done.

The German cover is a little more generic, but I love it. I have definitely seen covers like this before, but I think the budding branches fit the reason that the twins are their trip to  England. Plus, I feel like it’s a very inviting cover design.

I also kind of like the U.K edition. I liked the two twins, their position was kind of unsettling but doesn’t look forced. I also liked the overall setup.

I am not sure where the last English edition was printed, and I can’t remember what birds have to do with the plot of this book, but I like the design. There’s something simple about it and yet I also have to look twice to see exactly what is on the cover. Which I find intriguing.

Least Favorite Covers

You know how I said my favorite covers hit a happy balance of creepy and normal? Yea, my least favorite covers leaned more towards creepy, and my least favorite covers are the Croatian, Spanish, Hungarian, and Indonesian editions. 

The first cover is the Croatian version, and I am not even sure what I am looking at! I mean, what is going on? Are they sleeping? And where? Plus, they just look uncomfortable.

The Spanish version I find unsettling. The two girls on the cover look like they’re out for prey.

My third least favorite, is the Hungarian version is on this list for a very similar reason. Aesthetically, I like it, but why is the girl in the front crouching in the shadows like that. I’m sorry, this isn’t a spy novel! 

The last cover is the Indonesian edition. Since the two girls are mirror twins, I get what they were trying to do, but why does the second woman have gray lips.

And that wraps it up for the hyped book edition of Book Traveling Thursdays. Have you read Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger? Let me know what you think of my cover choices.

And don’t forget to join the Goodreads group to get upgrades on the new Book Traveling Thursday themes. 


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