By the way…

I realize that I have the distinct opportunity to offer you some seriously edited nonsense about how to live the life you dream of. I don’t subscribe to the idea of perfection because I simply have never seen it achieved. There is no perfect life, perfect marriage, perfect job, perfect child, perfect anything. There is only the perfect moment. It took some time for me to realize that the old saying is true: there is no dress rehearsal for life. You’re living it now, might as well get busy enjoying it – in spite of all the imperfection.

I feel that most of you might feel a bit the same as I do. I describe my existence as a “by the way” kind of life. There are things that have happened to me and there are things that I have done that have molded my current life into what it is. Everything is a bit complicated and needs a lot of explanations. I am a war widow. I am a Mom and a Fiance and almost a Step-Mom. I am a student. I am a career woman. I am a lazy housekeeper. I am a Writer. I am your Friend, figuring it out alongside you. I’m sure we’ll have some laughs by the way.


