Challenge 2: Day 12: Judas #2 (2018)

COMIC TITLE: Judas #2 (2018)
Jakub Rebelka– Artist
Jeff Loveness– Writer
January 10, 2018
Boom! Studios

I never thought that I would be saying this, but I was excited to get my hands on the next issue of Judas because I wanted to see where it went. In the last issue of Judas, we get introduced to everything that he is going through which is frustration because he kept saying why him? Why was he never given a chance to be anyone else other than the betrayer of the son of God? As he journeys through what we assume is the depths of hell, he is approached by a strange figure. In Judas #2, he reveals himself as the devil himself, the fallen angel Lucifer. The Devil will spend the whole issue trying to convince Judas that God is a lie and that God betrayed him because every story needs a villain and unfortunately it had to be him. Will Judas fight off the Devil’s game or will he believe the words of the former angel gone bad? You’ll just have to read to find out for yourself because I am not going to spoil it for you. To read the issue and for more information, visit Boom! Studios site here.

As I said above, I am so hooked into this comic book that it’s not even funny. The story is however playing itself out exactly the way that I thought it would. Why wouldn’t the devil visit the man who sold the son of God for money, but the real question is what does he want with him? There has to be a reason that he has decided to vest his time into this man because why not Goliath? Why not Lot’s Wife who disobeyed God’s orders by turning around and watching his destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah for which she in turn was turned into a pillar of salt? I don’t want to get too deep into a religious conversation, but this is getting good. The ending of this comic is where it’s at because it leaves us at a huge cliffhanger and now I need to read issue three. The artwork is much of the same where I like the style of the comic as you can see from the pic to the left. It has a horroresque style to it and I love that the most about it. Check it out for yourself even if you are not a fan of religious content because it’s all stories after all right? Check out my grades below:


Story/Plot: A

Artwork: A+

Character Representation: A-

Entertainment Value: A-

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