Chat Love by Justine Faeth

“It’s not about finding love, it’s about opening up and allowing yourself to be loved.”

**I’ve been honored enough to receive a free copy of the ebook from the author for an honest review.**

In a Nutshell: Being single at 28 doesn’t work well for Lucia. The constant pressure from both her family and friends only aggravate her depression at not being able to find a perfect partner. She succumbs to social pressure as she signs up and tries an online dating website, Chat Love. Hilarity ensues as she goes from one failed date to another, trying to find Mr. Right. Add to that her growing attraction to a co-worker, who is, unfortunately, not yet ready to commit.


Read this if… you are in the mood for a funny and light read. Make sure cliches don’t turn you off, as this one has a lot of it.

This was so hilarious that it got me cracking up from Chapter one! Though there’s a lot of cliche in the story and plot’s very predictable, I cannot put the book down! I liked the ensemble of characters, and though I wouldn’t agree with all of their decisions and point of views, I found myself being able to relate at some point. Plus, it’s a refreshing and eye-opening read, especially in this day and age where online dating apps are a trend.

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