Chatter: (n) incessant trivial talk.
I make a practice to never refer to myself as an artist.
Using that term is similar to someone who has sex calling himself a lover, or folks who occasionally have a garage sale in their front yard
deeming themselves to be entrepreneurs.
Truthfully, because we’re all a little insecure about the quality and veracity of what we do, we chatter on to try to magnify our significance to the yawning yokels.
How many times do I need to explain what I do before you are truly impressed?
How many different ways can I exaggerate my abilities, hoping deep in my heart that you will finally understand that I am better than you?
Chatter is what people do when they are nervously afraid they can’t cover the time alloted with simple truth.
So they elaborate. They use words like “interesting, wonderful, great, amazing and awesome” at diabolical rates. And they smile a lot, hoping what they have to share is not only convincing, but dazzling.
A wise man once said that it is much smarter to answer questions “yes” and “no.” He contended that anything other than this is usually born of evil.
If by evil you mean the incessant clatter of chatter that doesn’t matter, then…
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