Child of the Forest

Child of the Forest

the keeper of all things green

the one who teaches the trees to extend up
and to dig down deep

who freely plays among
the mighty oaks, the beech, and the birtch
and frolic among the ancient firs

wandering spirit seen tenderly
caring watching preserving
feeding the life of the forest

providing a home for all
who would dwell beneath her boughs

playful and carefree
though watchful for those
who would harm her living trees

with reckless fury
she would unleash
on all who seek to destroy

with piercing gaze
she sees the heart
to know if you are friend or foe

for the forest she loves
as long as the forest lives
she too remains
for she and it are one and the same


I was reminded by a fellow artist-poet friend, xoanxo cespon, of a reading he had done of my poem.  This poem and along with the artwork was originally published in 2012 in a collaboration called on the wings o’ butterflies. {}.

Prints are available for purchase at Child of the Forest.
All profits are donated to the non-profit group Makeway Partners to help aid in their fight to end human trafficking.

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