Close Your Eyes by Nicci Cloke

This book was kindly sent to me by Hot Key Books, and has been on my TBR pile for a while. I’ve wanted to read it for ages, but needed to make space to do it in one day – I could tell I was going to read it in one sitting. 

From the blurb:

Southfield High School is oh so normal, with its good teachers, its bad, and its cliques. But despite the cliques, there’s a particular group of friends who have known each other forever and know that they can rely on each other for anything.
There’s the twins: Aisha, rebellious, kind, and just a tiny bit worried about what the hell she’s going to do once this year is over, and Ash, smart, quiet and observant. Then there’s Remy, the loudmouth, and Gemma, who’s more interested in college boys and getting into the crap club in town. And then there’s Elise: the pretty one.
But at the start of Year 11, when the group befriend the new boy, Elijah, things start to change. The group find themselves not as close as they used to be.
Until one Tuesday, when the students are trapped inside the school building. And one of them has a gun.

Ash, Aisha, Remy, Gemma, Eli and Elise seem to be a normal group of friends. They are studying for their GCSE’s and getting up to the usual teenage shenanigans- underage drinking, sex and generally trying to figure out what they’re going to do with the rest of their lives. 
Aisha, Ash, Remy and Gemma have been friends since year 7, when they were 11 years old, and know everything about each other. Eli and Elise joined the group later on when they both transferred from other schools and have fitted in well. When bullies threaten members of the group, they know they can rely on the others to back them up. No matter what. 

But how well can you really know someone? Everyone has secrets, and this group’s secrets will tear them apart. 

One of the group has had enough with the bullies, and decided that the rest of the school must pay. They have taken a gun into the school. But who is it? And why?

This book is sooo tense. There is a corker of a twist, and you won’t see it coming. This book is a shocking illustration of the effects of bullying on the victim, their family and friends. 

I gave this book 4/5 stars – I loved it and will be checking out Clokes other novel Follow Me Back. 

Let me know if you’ve read this book in the comments below. 


Stephani Xx

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