Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons

I remember getting this book from the library once, maybe it was last year, and I somehow never got round to reading it. I was probably swamped under books as usual.

I participate in the 1000 Books Before You Die Goodreads group, where we do a monthly read based on the Guardian list of the same name. I take part when I’m interested in the books, and this one sounded fun.

Cold Comfort Farm tells the story of 19-year-old Flora Poste, a socialite in the London of the 1930s who finds herself orphaned and without a home or much income. So she moves in with distant family in a farmhouse in Sussex. And once there, she decides to sort them all out.

It is very satirical and I found it quite funny, even hilarious at times. It really had me laughing out loud. It is reminiscent of some older classics, which are sometimes mentioned by name, and manages to make both a satire and a homage of them. Being quite short and light to read, it is a breath of fresh air. Yet despite being a satire and an easy read, it also has deeper themes and issues.

The writing is brilliant. I don’t understand why Cold Comfort Farm isn’t more well-known. Everyone should read it!

I know there is a film adaptation of it, which I am really looking forward to watching. I am partial to British drama adaptations, so it sounds right up my alley.

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