Comically Large Neckties

I had to do a bit of shopping the other day because SOMEBODY used all of our cooking spray to lube up their roller skate wheels. Mr. C. Cow decided to stay behind in the camper and do a bit of laundry. I’m proud that he wanted to take part in the daily chores and was more than happy to let him wash stuff. Before I left I explained that, since this was a camper, the washer/dryer unit was small so please don’t over soap or over stuff the machines. After repeating myself a few times I felt more then comfortable to go forth in search of cooking spray.

When I returned my happiness was short-lived. Mr. C. Cow decided to do a GIGANTIC load of comically large neckties in one load. Separating laundry, in his mind, meant doing all of one type of clothing at one time in the washer. The washing machine didn’t know what to do with all of these comically large neckties so it decided to just spit soap bubbles all over the place. The walls. The stove vent. The glove box. If we had wanted to wash the entire inside of the camper then this was the way to go.

After much bubble shoveling and opening of windows and doors to air dry we needed a place to do the rest of the laundry. We also needed a place to stay for the night. I didn’t feel like sleeping in a squishy camper.

This looks like a quiet place to park.

We were lucky enough to find a nice quiet place where they, not only had a laundry room, but the perfect place to sleep for the night.

I’ll do the rest of the laundry this time Mr. C.!

Mr. C. Cow set up the campsite for the evening while I did the rest of the laundry. While his comically large neckties were in the dryer I started pondering his collection. There was a giant neon banana necktie and one that looked like a fish. When did he start getting a collection? I can’t remember the last time he even wore a necktie. Maybe Mr. C. Cow was considering dressing up more. Or he could be thinking about starting a prop comedy career. You never know what Mr. C. is thinking sometimes.

The campsite was beautiful and we, sincerely, were more than happy to spend the night among the stars.  A laundry mishap turned into a beautiful evening.

Glamor Camping!

We need to stop and remember that not everyone knows how to do everything.  Something as simple as laundry might not be so simple if you’ve never done it on your own. All those buttons, knobs, timers, and soap measuring can be confusing. I’m not mad at Mr. C. Cow in any way for making the camper soapy. He tried his hardest and that’s really all that matters to me. Besides, the camper now smells wonderful and we had the opportunity to hang out, together, under the stars. What more could I really ask for?

“Tipsy” Cerulean 

All Photos Taken In Second Life By Me 

Second Life Location: The Last Forever (M) 



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