Convos & Coffee night with Bianca Juarez Olthoff 

Last night the beautiful Bianca Juarez Olthoff gathered women of all backgrounds, ethnicities, skin color, and from different cities throughout LA, OC, and Riverside county to meet and chat with her at Honors Coffee Raosters in Newport Beach, CA. She wanted to remind us that no matter what phase we are in life that we mustn’t give up. We are a process similar to Champagne and that God is preparing us. I was lucky enough to get invited by my lovely godly women and share this moment with them as we grow and chase God together.

Bianca used her platform to discuss topics that are revelent to young women today. She talked about work/life balance, dating, mentorship,  career, and the word of God.

When you think of work/life balance you sometimes picture a person juggling work, family, and god all at the same time… however, even though you can have all of those things, it’s extremely hard and nearly impossible to have all of those at the same time. What is possible is setting a boundary balance. Always remind yourself to honor God with your time and set some quiet time with him. Also, make it a habit to ask yourself if what you’re doing you are encountering God or if you are not.

The next topic is for all the single ladies.  The dating scene today is so much more difficult and scarier than it was 5 to 10 years ago. If the dating life has been tough for you ask yourself this question “where are you setting yourself up to meet a man?”. My gut twisted as soon as Bianca threw this out. It made sense to me at that very moment why nothing was working out for me. Another thing that women really need to start practicing is “saving it for marriage and make up for the lost time after you are married.” By doing so you will really get a chance to meet your man by knowing his character versus objectifying the man out of lust.

Bianca discuss the importance of having a mentor or finding a mentor. If you are lucky enough to have a mentor in your life make sure you honor their time by being generous with your finances and doing simple things such as paying for their coffee or their lunch when you to go out to meet. Also, don’t forget to pass the blessing down as you get mentored, you will need to start mentoring others.

Where are you in your career path? Are you still trying to figure it out? A good tip that Bianca mentioned last night was that you end up defining your identity and how you lead by serving others and how you serve them. Serving others is not a defined job or title. It can be you joining the welcome team, the set up team, the cleanup team, or any other ministry. Find something that will take you out of your comfort zone and help you grow. Whatever it is just get out there and serve! Don’t make the mistake of trying to find your identity through your hobbies or work… you need to find your identity through God. Also, another thing to remember is not to be afraid to use your voice. There are tons of platforms you can use just don’t let your voice get silenced.

Lastly, if you are going through a struggle  or transition, always remember that the Lord closes doors because he’s calling you to do something greater in his name. Don’t give up in the middle of the process. Stay strong in the Lord and chase him like no other. He never leaves your side.

Bianca, if you are reading this, thank you and may the Lord continue to bless you and use your soul, your spirit, and your voice to gather women and to build a community where we can talk about life, career, love, and most importantly the Lord.


Image taken by: @monikakirkland




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