Crème au chocolat noir avec amour


This is a very special recipe to me. My mother inspired me to start cooking by showing me the BBC show “The Little Paris Kitchen”. I instantly fell in love with it, and as a parting gift on that visit I had with her, she gave me a copy of Rachel Khoo’s book of the same title. That book is covered in stains, with wrinkled pages, and burns on the ends. Because I went from barely knowing how to use the stove, to teaching myself French cooking. I waited a long time for her second book “My Little French Kitchen” to be released. Once I got it, I patiently waited to bring it with me for my next trip with my mother. That trip was the last one I had with her. She wasn’t entirely impressed with my cooking. But this dish she loved and it was the one thing she asked for a second time. I’ve take the original recipe and created a vegan version, and I’m adding an additional recipe to make your own crème fraiche as well. I hope you enjoy this as much as we did.

Ingrédients de la recette:

-3oz of 70% dark baking chocolate (check ingredients to make sure it’s vegan)

-1 cup almond milk unsweetened

-1/2 cup soy/coconut/almond creamer

-1/4 cup coconut sugar

-1 tbsp. corn starch

-2 tbsp. vegan butter

-Course salt and chili powder to taste

For Crème Fraiche:

-1/2 block tofu

-1 1/2 tbsp. nutritional yeast

-2 tbsp. lemon juice

-1/3 cup almond milk

This is recipe should only take you 30 minutes, with that start with the tofu. Drain the package and wrap the tofu into a paper towel. Then place between 2 plates for about 5 minutes. This will drain the tofu, it’s known as pressing tofu, you probably already knew this.

Once the tofu is drained, combine that with the nutritional yeast, lemon juice, and almond milk into a food processor and process until smooth. I then placed mine into a mason jar and stored in the in the fridge to keep cool. It can keep for up to 2 weeks.

Now with your chocolate you are going to want to chop it as finely as possible so that once incorporated it melts very easily and leaves no lumps in the pudding.

Get a sauce pot going on medium heat and add the cornstarch, coconut sugar, milk, cream, and then whisk your heart out. For only about 4 minutes. Once it starts to show a few bubbles you can remove it from the heat and add the butter and chocolate. Continue to whisk till you get a velvety chocolate texture. Separate into individual ramekins and store in the fridge for about an hour.

I used a dollop of the crème fraiche and then garnished with the chili powder. It is light and airy. The flavor differences between the dark chocolate and light bitterness of the crème fraiche is really lovely.

I hope everyone is having a beautiful start to their week. Bon appétit