Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter #1) by Jeff Lindsay || Review

Title: Darkly Dreaming Dexter
Author: Jeff Lindsay
No. of pages: 275
Genre: Thriller, horror
Publication date: May 5th 2004
Date read: October 11th 2017
4.75/5 ★


Dexter Morgan appears to be the perfect gentleman. He leads a normal, quiet life working as a forensic officer for the Miami Police. He has a nice, shy girlfriend and is liked by her young children. But Dexter has a secret hobby. He’s an accomplished serial killer.

So far he’s killed dozens of people and has never been caught, because he knows exactly how to dispose of the evidence. And there are those who would rather he wasn’t caught at all, because Dexter is a serial killer with a difference. He only kills the city’s bad guys.

Then Dexter’s well-organised life is thrown into chaos. Another serial killer is invading his territory – and he wants Dexter to come out and play…


Although this book just arrived last Friday, and I still have a lot of books that I bought ages ago but still haven’t read, I started reading the first book of the Dexter series on Monday. I just simply couldn’t wait! I loved the TV series, maybe especially Michael C. Hall as Dexter, and I was really curious about the book series. The book is only 275 pages long and reads like a train!!

I’m afraid I can’t write a review on the book without addressing my thoughts on the TV series as well. That’s why I prefer to read the book(s) before the series/movie, but oh well, it is the way it is!

In the book I found the character of LaGuerta a little … annoying. I thought it was quite an unbelievable character, because I don’t think, or actually hope, that the real police would take someone with as little crime-solving skills as LaGuerta for a detective. LaGuerta didn’t actually want the case solved because she wanted the killer behind bars, but to become better from it herself. Just … yuck. But maybe that’s just the social politics that’s also being discussed throughout the book.

Another thing that was a little unrealistic to me was the voice inside Dexter’s head. Because of this voice he just knew things … that actually turned out to be true. In my eyes, this story about Dexter the serial killer is quite realistic, so this kind of supernatural thing bugged me just a little bit.

Overall, though, I really REALLY love the concept of the story. What I like about the Dexter story, is that you actually get to see the human side of such a horrifying killer. The book shows that even the most twisted people can seem, and well … just are, human! Although I don’t have anything to fear, I wouldn’t want Dexter for a neighbour, let me make that clear hah.

There were some things different from the TV series. A major difference was the ending, which would make the rest of the story totally different. Now I’m even more curious about the rest of the book series!!

Right now, I just want to rewatch the series. Unfortunately the series was just taken off the Dutch netflix *sob*, so I have to find another way to still my Dexter addiction for the moment I’m afraid.

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