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The King's Confidante (2009)

by Jean Plaidy(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 5
030734620X (ISBN13: 9780307346209)
Broadway Books
Tudor Saga
review 1: I was very excited for this book, since I love everything Tudor-related. However, I felt Plaidy undertook too much in this book, and as a result, we are left with a very superficial take on Thomas More's life.[return][return]Part of the problem stemmed from Plaidy's attempt to delve into the psyches of too many characters--Katherine, Thomas More, Queen Katherine, Jane, Alice, King Henry VIII, to name some. Such treatment leaves little room for character development, and I was never left with the impression of a fully developed character.[return][return]At times, the narrative seemed awkward. The style vacillated between very proper, "thou" and "thees" to more relaxed, improper style; there seemed to be no rhyme or reason between the vacillations.[return][return]Overall, ... moreI did not feel this book presented other viewpoints from the Tudor era. There are better written, more developed books over the Tudors out there. The idea of such a book from More's viewpoint is intruiging--but alas, we weren't given that with [The King's Confidante].
review 2: We all unfortunately know the outcome of this story. What I didn't realize was the warm family life that Sir Thomas Moore would have been perfectly content with. He got himself tangled in the court of Henry VIII and just never was able to free himself. In the end, he was presented with the choice to make himself a public hypocrite or go to the chopping block. He chose the latter, with grace and good humor right up until the end. Henry could not tolerate one of his entourage publicly putting God above himself (Henry), and for that Thomas Moore was decapitated. less
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The King's Confidante, by Jean Plaidy. The story of the daughter of Sir Thomas More.
About Sir Thomas More - his life, his family and his death
One of her slower books
6th in series
Thomas More
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