Day 24: Drinks #30DaysOfReadathon and Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor Review

For Day 24: Drink I chose to couple tea with Science fiction especially because there is so much tea drinking within this book.

Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor centers around the main character Madeline Maxwell, or Max, a historian who specializes Ancient History. She is recruited by the St. Mary’s Institute and after a vigorous training program, she is able to join the other “historians” and travel through time to different historically and scientifically significant points in time. She overcomes and solves one problem after another with wonderful snark. Max has a romantic interest who is equally as interesting and has some secrets of his own and we get to see their relationship develop.

As a primarily fantasy reader I decided to stick my toe into the pool of science fiction. and picked Just One Damned Thing After Another on a whim. After reading it I was sold. (I love taking a chance on a book and have it turn out to be wonderful.) I absolutely loved this book. It was hilarious and heartbreaking and actually made me laugh out loud a relatively rare occurrence. This book hit the spot like a good cup of tea. Something I think Max, the main character, would relate to.

Overall, I loved this book. I thought it was hilarious and told an interesting story. I think that this book would be great for beginning science fiction readers. There were no heavy technical explanations of how time travel worked and I felt like this was a good thing. Many of the historical events were fairly accurate and sometimes incredibly moving. I gave this book 5/5 stars.

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