DC Icons (#1): Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo

Okay so I was all riled up after reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X. To get some semblance of empowerment back I turned to my favorite badass female. Wonder Woman. I’ve seen episodes of the old show from the 70’s. And I saw her recent stand-alone film. (Which was amazing by the way). When I heard that YA authors were taking part in a new DC series, to say I was excited would be a complete understatement. 

This particular storyline features a young Diana. She is a teenage girl that feels like she doesn’t belong. All she wants, is to prove that though she was born on the island, she is still as fierce a warrior as her sisters. When Diana saves Alia, a human teenage girl, she sets into motion her first quest to save the world. We get a glimpse of Diana before she reaches her true potential and becomes the Wonder Woman we have all grown to love and admire. 

I loved it! The characters were interesting. Can Alia and Nim be my friends? And there was a lot of Greek mythology. I should’ve paid more attention in my high school English class. (I think we had to read Mythology by Edith Hamilton twice). I thought I had the story figured out. And then. Bam! Plot twist. Ugh. I should’ve seen it coming. Although Diana’s courage and drive to do what is right was inspiring. 

I liked that the ending wasn’t really an ending ending. Maybe Diana will see Alia once again?

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