December was a little bit of a strange reading month for me. Whilst I really wanted to keep my reading up and to continue to read books that I was really excited to read, I also didn’t want to pick up any books that I thought would become new favourites, especially as the month progressed. Around mid-way through the month, I had already written alot of wrap up posts for the year, and so any books I did read wouldn’t be mentioned even if I did end up loving them. I also always really enjoy reading a few festive books and short stories from books like My True Love Gave To Me and Let It Snow in December, and so I tend to not read as many other books because of this.
But somehow despite all of this, somehow December still ended up being a really good reading month for me, if a little different to others. I managed to read five books during the course of the month, with four of these five all being at least 4.5 star reads for me. I read so many amazing books last month, some of which have even become new favourites of mine, and so here are all of the books that I managed to read in December!
At the beginning of the month I was feeling myself beginning to fall into a little bit of a reading slump, and so I really wanted to pick up a book that I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy, and so this one seemed like the perfect option. Not only was it book by John Green, an author whose books I know I enjoy, but I’d also heard so many amazing things about this book that I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy it. I ended up absolutely adoring this book, with its complex and realistic characters, and writing that I could not get enough of. But my favourite thing about this book has to be how well it represented mental health in such an honest way that really made me just adore this book with all my heart, so much so that this is now definitely a new favourite for me.
Rating: 5/5Next up I decided that as it was now December, I really wanted to read a festive book as I really enjoy reading Christmasy books at this time of year, and so this one seemed like the perfect choice. I actually tried to read this one last year, but ended up not finishing it, and so I really wanted to give it another go this year, as I really enjoyed Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares. All in all, I definitely enjoyed this book, as I really enjoyed returning to Dash and Lily a year later, and it also definitely helped to get me in the festive spirit. However, I definitely didn’t enjoy this as much as I did the first book, as I do think that this story didn’t really go anywhere, or have much of a point, but nonetheless it was still a cute little read that definitely got me in the Christmas spirit.
Rating: 3/5For whatever reason, after reading The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily I had sudden urge to pick this book up and so to read a fantasy I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy. Ever since reading Flame in the Mist, I have been desperate to pick up this duology, and so for some reason I really wanted to finally do that in December, and I’m really glad I did. This was such a amazing read that I just completely fell in love with because of the beautiful writing style, and spectacular characters who I adored getting to know throughout this book. This book definitely took me a while to really get into, but once I did I could not put this book down, as everything about it was just so addicting that I just had to read on to find out what happened next. The romance was one of my favourite that I have read about in a good while, and all in all I just adored this book, so much so that I am already halfway through The Rose and the Dagger as I just couldn’t wait to continue this story!
Rating: 4.5/5After The Wrath and the Dawn fulfilled my desire for fantasy, I again felt a real urge for to just read this book, and so that’s exactly what I did. Recently I had been really tempted to pick this one up, with the release of the film trailer and the promotion of the film constantly reminding me that not only did I want to read this book, but I also needed to before the movie comes out. I ended up absolutely loving this book, as I enjoyed everything from the plot to the amazing diversity and characters that all went together to create this wonderful story. I loved the mystery element, especially because I somehow didn’t guess Blue’s identity before it was revealed, and really grew to love Simon as a character throughout the course of this book. Although this book again took me a while to really get into, in the end I really loved this funny and heartwarming book that I now can not wait to see as a movie.
Rating: 4.75/5Finally, I actually started this book at the very beginning of the month, but for whatever reason stopped reading it around halfway through, and so didn’t end up finishing until the very end of December. This is one that I had to read for school, but was a book that I knew almost as soon as I started that I would really enjoy. I really loved the way this beautiful way this book was written, and just adored the story and the characters, both of which I found really interesting due to their complexity. Overall this has definitely become one of my new favourite classics, and I now can’t wait to read more Oscar Wilde in the future.
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