We all have them, those elements of our lives we don’t want the world, or our closest friends, to know about. My dirty little secret just happens to be dirty, really dirty.
This is my entry way:
Not very inviting.
How about the kitchen:

Not a lot of cooking, or eating, happening there.
And the bathroom and bedroom aren’t any better:

The bedroom is place of nightmares, not sweet dreams. No wonder I only get a few hours of sleep a night.
I’d like to say that I don’t know how this happened, but I’d be lying. I’m lazy. I could blame it on depression or not having any time or someone else; but it’s all on me. And I’m not depressed, or not any more so than anyone else. I’m just lazy.
What’s really sad about all of this is there is a Martha or Ree (Stewart and Drummond) inside me wanting to come out. I used to be the Jewish, lesbian Martha Stewart! I love to cook and do crafts and decorate, and I’m pretty good at all of them.
I just gave up.
But that’s about to change.
Come with me on this road to domestic redemption. We’ll share the highs and the lows. We’ll learn a few things, create a few things, and share a few things.
Heck, let the sharing begin. What’s your dirty little secret? (Keep it G Rated, please! It’s probably best to keep your bondage room a secret!)
Welcome to my journey.
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