Evening Surprise

Here’s a charming indie game with cute art that I ended up playing when I woke up one morning and wanted something nice and short. It also finishes off in a sweet way, and ended up making me smile.

Official Site Home Page (in Russian)
Steam Link:

Max and his girlfriend Ann are very happy together. They have no arguments, they enjoy spending time with each other, they are in love. What else can they wish? Well, Max, you will get a big surprise this evening…

The best part about this game? It’s free!

1st Playthrough: ~29 minutes

Max Time Taken for all Steam Achievements: ~40 minutes;

Now before I begin I have to point out that I will be detailing my personal experience with the game, and that you should play it yourself first if you can. I’ll try to put spoilers under wraps (if I can at all figure out how to do that lol).

The game starts by having you (Max) and your girlfriend Ann (Anya in the Russian version) waking up to a nice peaceful morning, whereafter you both have breakfast and Ann goes to work. The next two days also pass by in a really sweet and slow way with Ann going to work and Max staying at home, except I noticed that Max has some…questionable aspects. As the player it is quite clear that Max loves Ann, but then he says things like him “not having to go to work because Ann already does”, and he spends all day at home watching TV? Da eff? This just set a few red flags off in my head because I hope Max is not relying on his partner for everything financially, and I hope Ann hasn’t gotten herself stuck with a schmuck.

The next two days pass in a similar manner where everything is basically just really chill. There was one incident where we had to go and kill a spider (it was wearing a headband with a katana rofl), and one where we had to do a strange ritual to make a ghost go away, which it finally did when Ann came home.

So here’s when the official shit hits the fan. Ann leaves one day in the morning saying she’s going to bring home a surprise later, and through the window we see her go hug some GUY, and then walk off.

(MAJOR SPOILERS NOW; Highlight text to read)

Max totally loses his shit thinking Ann is cheating on him while I was like “chill dude he’s probably her brother or something.” But oh no, while Max continues to seethe as I try to pick choices that seem sane, I thought that writing Ann a poem about her love would help Max to chill and maybe laugh about it later.

Once Max finishes writing a cheesy poem about how Ann always makes him food *facepalm*, then its Ann’s time to reach home. I chose to let her explain herself first instead of starting to scream at her, hoping to dear god that Max won’t murder the poor guy who just walked through. Then Ann pulls Max aside to tell him that the guy she brought home is her BOYFRIEND. Now even this had me going, waaaaat Σ(゜ロ゜;)?! But then I was like woooo Ann! Guurll you go dump Max’s deadbeat ass! The Next CG however, cleared everything up.

Max is in fact……..Ann’s cat. LOOLLL I did not expect that coming