Every Seventh Wave 4 – The End (Chapters 16 – end)



I love the ending. It is so emotional and sweet. After Leo tells Emmi about the misadventure with Pamela and their split up after he realised that there is only Emmi for him, Emmi asks him to meet him at an Italian restaurant. The emails following that date let us know that after the meal there were kisses and hugs, and they are in bliss, sharing these emails as if they were two smitten teenagers.

And then comes the surprise. When Leo asks her where they go from there, Emmi assures him that they will be together from now on, but she isn’t ready to have an affair with him. Then it is Leo who dares to mention Bernhard and if she is ready to divorce him. To his shock she tells him that she won’t divorce Bernhard, and then pushed by her Leo asks her why not. Then she surprises him and me by saying that she and Leo are already divorced. During those months after she discovers how Bernhard and Leo decided about her relationship with Leo behind her back, she and her husband thought that there was no point in staying married. It was during these months when she and Leo stopped writing to each other, and then when they started again, she kept this piece of information a secret as he and Pamela were together. And when she moved back into the house with Bernhard, she explains, it was purely an arrangement for the children. I loved Leo’s reaction. I really loved it.

The last email we read takes place three months afterwards, and it is obvious that Emmi and Leo are a couple and very much in love. Beautiful ending!

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