Fall Book Store Haul, 2017

Wah, I finally got out to my indie bookstore (where I will only ever order my paper books, as long as I live close enough to the area to drive there) to pick up two books I had on order, one a new release, another the second in a trilogy I started eons ago and will finally get to finish.

So, with the books I picked up earlier this fall, I present The Haul:

Stone in the Skull, by Elizabeth Bear

The Poisoned Blade, by Kate Elliott

Buried Heart, by Kate Elliott

Ancillary Sword, by Ann Leckie

Binti and Binti: Home, by Nnedi Okorafor


And I also put in an order for a book I had meant to pre-order, but somehow forgot:

Horizon, by Fran Wilde

(leaving this image bigger because that cover…!)

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