Fated – Benedict Jacka

Title: Fated (Alex Verus #1)
Author: Benedict Jacka
Genre: Paranormal
Pages: 295
Category: 38. Read a book in the paranormal genre
Format: Paper

Date Started: June 4th 2017
Date Finished: June 8th 2017

The first in a series this book definitely makes me want to read the rest of the books. It’s such an easy read and kept me guessing right until the end.

I don’t want to give too much away from this first book but if you like urban fantasy then definitely give these a shot. Alex Verus is the main character in this series, he’s kind of shunned the magic world and keeps mostly to himself running a small magic shop reminiscent of the Magic Box from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, he stocks both legitimate magic items as well as junk items which attract the general public. But then he is drawn back into the magic world as one of the few who has the ability to look into the future.

As someone who loves books that feature any kind of time travel or precognition this was an absolute treat for me. It’s the type of book you can devour very quickly. In fact had I not been so busy it’s likely I would’ve gotten through this a lot quicker than I did. As of yet I haven’t had the chance to read any more from the series but I’ve added them to the list.

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

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