FC Barcelona: The Best Soccer Team!!


My favorite soccer team is clearly Barcelona, I have loved this team since I was in 6th grade. My whole family is also a fan of Barcelona, we all have at least two Barcelona jersey. Even my boyfriend is a Barcelona fan. He likes Lionel Messi. Lionel Messi is the best player in the world. He has won so many prizes. In my room I have two Barcelona posters and my brother In my family we all like one player, which is Luis Suarez. My family like him because he is Uruguayan and my whole family is from Uruguay. Barcelona for me is the best team ever, the team does things that were never possible in the past. The can accomplish the impossible. The team itself gives everyone joy and hope. Barcelona never gives up. If you don’t know who Luis Suarez is you can look him up or you can look at the gif that is underneath this paragraph. 

Like I said in the last paragraph I am a big fan of Barcelona, actually my whole family including my boyfriend is. The thing my boyfriend and I like about the team is that Barcelona never gives up, never loses hope. Since my brother is little he really looks up at the Barcelona team, especially his favorite players. He really believes in Barcelona, sometimes when Barca loses he starts to cry.

My brother and my boyfriend share the same feelings toward the team Barcelona (I find it funny when they both scream or cry because of the game). They can really be siblings, they both love the same things and dress the same way. well….. got a little carried away with my family, but what I was trying to say was that Barcelona is in my family hearts and lives. The team means a lot to us, we sometimes tell my brother that one day he will be playing at Barcelona. He gets really happy when we say that. We also tell him that he plays like Suarez. 

Here is a video that shows FC Barcelona and the true team it is. I recommend that every watches it, even if you are a Real Madrid fan (LMAO!!!). Hope you enjoyed this blog, Thank you for reading it.

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