Fierce Hearted: Live Fully Love Bravely by Holley Gerth

This is a difficult book to describe; it is encouraging and food for the soul. It digs deep into the emotions and inner thoughts of what it is like to be a woman and spurs us on, as readers, to be brave and live fully. The author writes with familiarity both from the perspective of having lived through tough experiences as well as common life experiences; and as a friend sympathizing, as you tell her about your own struggles. Holley descriptions are so well articulated that the reader is drawn wholly into the narrative. She is very relatable and gives you permission to be the creature God created you to be without apology. Here is a quote from the book that speaks to that thought. “Maybe we have defined beauty all wrong. Because I have known many artists, and when a piece has what it needs to fulfill their vision for it, they stand back and say ‘Beautiful.’ And it doesn’t matter a bit to them if anyone else agrees. The artist gets the final word.”

The chapters are short stories with a lesson that seem to build as the book progresses explaining and emboldening the reader to live resembling a fierce hearted woman.   My favorite chapters were the ones where she talked about her daughter, Lovelle. It brought tears to my eyes the way God granted her the blessing of becoming a mother, such a sweet story.

I would highly recommend this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell in exchange for an honest review.

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