Fire Resistant Document Bag with Water Resistant and Zero Irritation Exterior

Fireproof Storage Pouch (11” x 7”).  

I have been traveling and use this pouch to store all the receipts that must be kept for our business.  If any of the receipts are missing or damaged, that spells a lot of trouble for me, so I got this pouch to protect the receipts from water, fire, and damage.

Water can get in as the pouch is simply sealed with wide velcro but I just use a ziplock bag inside the pouch when there is a chance the paperwork and receipts could get wet, however, most of the time I simply tuck the receipts into the bag for protection.

This bag is very well made, lined with soft red material so there is no problem with hurting my fingers, and so convenient to have. I just keep it tucked into the inner pocket of the lid of my suitcase. It’s quick and easy to grab when I am back home and take the receipts and paperwork to the office.

RankBoosterReview  #Sponsored #FireSafe

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