Five Fall Favorites: Clean, Christian Fiction

In today’s Five Fall Favorites post, the genre is Clean/Christian. Since that’s all I read, it was hard to pick, but I decided to go with an eclectic assortment of sub-genres. And I’ll continue with my theme of doing them in order of history.

Corral Nocturne by Elisabeth Grace Foley

This Western is a retelling of the Cinderella fairy tale in a very imaginative way. It isn’t an evil stepmother or stepsisters who are the problem. No, it’s the rude and tight-fisted brother. And there is no prince, just a wealthy rancher’s son. I loved this retelling because I love Westerns (as will become even more obvious as the week goes on), but also because it was so different as well as the same as the fairy tale.

Head in the Clouds by Karen Witemeyer

A book-loving heroine and an English gentleman hero (complete with the accent!). What’s not to love? Oh, did I mention the little girl hasn’t talked since her mother died? So, so sad. And yet Addie is such a fun-loving nanny that she… well, you’ll have to read the book to find out exactly what happens. As I mentioned in the other Karen Witemeyer book mini-review, the romance does get a little more than some people will care for.

A Question of Honor by Jesseca Wheaton

You can see my full review here. This probably isn’t strictly a romance, but I like it better because of that. I haven’t read many WWII books, but I definitely think this is one of my favorites. It seems so real. All of the emotions and so much more. I highly recommend it.

Safe in His Arms by Melanie Snitker

I really like a lot of Melanie’s books, but I think this is my favorite so far. It’s about a young woman who is running away from her past and gets some great help—and eventual friendship—from complete strangers. One of them gives her a job, another lets her move in with her, and the other is the friend of the other two and thus eventually of Anna. The theme of the book is resting in God because no matter what, you will be safe in His arms.

Exiles by Jaye L. Knight

Since this is a fantasy, I thought I’d put it here instead of in “historical” order. I also reviewed this book in full recently, so you can check that review out here. This is another book that isn’t strictly romance, but there are a few budding romances in it including one marriage, so I’m going to include it. I love this book by Jaye. I think it is probably one of my favorites from her series so far. If you like Fantasy that has no magic in it, this is definitely a book you will like. Warning: there is a fairly good amount of violence, but none of it is gratuitous.



We are also running a giveaway! In the basket is:

  • Signed copy of Dylan’s Story by Rebekah A. Morris
  • Signed copy of Dandelion Dust by Faith Potts
  • Signed copy of Kate’s Innocence by Sarah Holman
  • Signed copy of The Twin Arrows by Kate Willis
  • Signed copy of Journey to Love by Amanda Tero
  • Coffee Nut M & M’s
  • Packets of Apple Cider
  • Cute Fall Mug

2nd place winner (if we get 75 people entered) will be the winners choice of 3 kindle books (Choices from what’s in the basket to make things easier. Unless winner already has them.)

3nd place winner (if we get 100 people entered) will be 2 kindle books (Choices again will be from the books in the basket.)

You can enter the giveaway here:



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