Nicole Trope has been described as Australia’s answer to Jodi Picoult. I can’t say I have ever been a big fan of Picoult myself but I’m always willing to try something new, particularly Australian and I was lucky enough to receive this one as part of my monthly Sensei Subscription. Forgotten is a story of a mother’s worst nightmare. One hot day. A minute of inattention. A missing baby. A race against the clock to avoid disastrous consequences.
This was a fast-paced read only taking me a day or two to finish it. I liked the format of the novel with multiple posts of view slowly revealing their pieces of the puzzle. Each point of view was unique with an important perspective to share. We meet four unique women each with their own demons. I very quickly found the “villain” abhorrent and didn’t enjoy her point of view as it was quite despicable and disturbing. The mark of good writing to have such an intense response to this character.
The pacing of the novel was perfect keeping the reader on the edge of the seat. I do have to admit I found the ending a little too neat for my liking. Overall I wasn’t a huge fan, however, I attribute this more to the style of book not appealing to my taste rather than any criticism on the novel. Fans of Picoult will enjoy this one, particularly ones who want a bit of an Aussie spin. I give Forgotten three stars, a good read if you enjoy this style of novel.