Fourth Comings by Megan McCafferty Review

Is the real world ready for Jessica Darling?

At first it seems she’s living the New York City dream. She’s subletting an apartment with her best friend, working for a magazine that actually cares about her psychology degree, and still deeply in love with the charismatic Marcus Flutie. 

But reality is more complicated than dreamy clichés. 

When Marcus proposes—giving her only one week to answer—Jessica must decide if she’s ready to give up a world of late-night literary soirees, art openings, and downtown drunken karaoke to move back to New Jersey and be with the one man who’s gripped her heart for years. Jessica ponders this and other life choices with her signature snark and hyper-intense insight, making it the most tumultuous and memorable week of her twenty-something life.

A not so fun review today, friends. I read the 4th Jessica Darling book and I didn’t love it. This book is set up differently from the first 3, and I just wasn’t a fan of it. I started reading it a couple of months ago but only just now finished it. It was sad. It was depressing. Which usually I can adjust to, but my friend Jessica isn’t supposed to be sad or depressing. She is supposed to be witty and sassy and snarky and above it all. But this time, she wasn’t. And I just miss her.

There’s still one book left in the Jessica Darling series, and I’m hoping McCafferty brings back the good ole Jessica and ends things on a more Jessica-like note.

A short review today, because I have a question for you guys. What is your most favorite non-fiction book ever? I haven’t reviewed a single non-fiction book on my blog yet. My dad just started reading my blog (hi, Dad!) and he reads all different kinds of non-fiction, so I really want to review something that he’d be interested in. I’ve seen some of you reading books about introverts. Which is the best one? Holla at your introverted girl over here and give me all the deets.

Happy Friday! I hope you guys have a great weekend! My daughter is playing 2 year old soccer and it’s pretty much the cutest thing on the planet. Plus, she takes a really good nap after. And that’s every mom’s dream.