The Friday Face-Off is a meme created by Books by Proxy, where the idea is to compare the different covers of a book with each week being a certain theme.
I only occasionally do the Face-Off nowadays after creating my own 200 Words or Less Friday feature (which has been absent these last few weeks/months due to my never-ending love affair with that mistress, procrastination, though it did return last week coincidentally with a book by the same author as today’s Face-Off post, cue eerie twilight zone music).
The Face-Off, however, is a meme that I have always enjoyed as I find it cool to look at the various covers from different countries.
This week’s theme is Boat “The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea, in a beautiful pea green boat….“.
My choice:
The Night Boat by Robert McCammon.I mean, the dude looks like he walked straight out of Wolfenstein or Dead Snow and jumped on a book cover!
I’m with BJ here! Yes, that’s his name, “B.J.” William Joseph Blazkowitz (from Wolfenstein).
Who doesn’t like killing Nazi’s?!?!?!?! Stoncold agrees it’s f’n awesome!!!!
Thoughts?? Agree with my cover choice?? Disagree?? Played Wolfenstein?? Watched Dead Snow?? Think Stonecold is a legend?? Just want to tell me how awesome I am??
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