Fridays are book days. I’m going to blog about books I’ve enjoyed reading recently, plus books that are long term favourites.
Today’s book is by an author I’ve not read before. Barbara Nadel was recommended by both my sister-in-law and a friend. They both said that once they started reading her books they couldn’t stop.
Intrigued, I borrowed the first in her Inspector Ikmen series, “Belshazzar’s Daughter” and I was hooked. The novel works on so many levels. It’s a good mystery with tension and suspense. The characters and their motivation are convincing, the atmosphere of Istanbul is vividly conveyed and Inspector Ikmen is a gem.
No angst, just a family man who loves his wife and family, who struggles to balance an all demanding job with his duty to his elderly father, his wife, Fatma and their nine children.
Another thread running through the book is the history of Istanbul and the many different nationalities who have made it their home.
All in all a great read.