I didn’t like any of the questions from my idiot editor. So, I am going to my old fallback. Setting my phone to full random on songs. Going to tell my relationship to each song or band, in the order that they come up.
Bury Me – Dwight Yoakum
I just love this guy, and I am not a country fan by most definitions. To me, his music is folk music. I finally got to see him a couple years ago, at Red Rocks no less, and it was fantastic. I don’t know how I came about his music, but for years I have been performing ‘Fast as You’ with my band, and alone camping.
It’s funny to me that he is an actor. Being actor is about being a face. Yet, find me one publicity photo of his face. You can’t. Wait… I googled a pic of him without that hat. Never mind, Dwight, put that hat right back on.
I got to listen to him do a longform interview on the ACS. He was stupidly likeable. He didn’t just tell great stories, he sang old jingles and played guitar.
Estimated Prophet – Grateful Dead
One of the few Bobby songs that we all love and appreciate. And their ain’t many. Over the years, I have finally come to really appreciate Bob. Basically, it took Jerry dying to realize what a treasure we always had in Bobby. We took him for granted, and I will personally cop to it. However, may I note that this was a big song he was doing when I was following the band in summers of ’90 and ’91. He would do this caterwauling at the end that was just sad. We used to call him ‘Bobby Cheese’. Ok, maybe not ‘we’…. So much as ‘me’.
Side note, this comes from the album Terrapin Station. My god I love this album. Terrapin isn’t just my favorite Dead song… it is a super rare moment where the recorded original version is just perfection. Most of their catalogue never really got great until it was played live.
Nice Boys – Guns & Roses
This is from the album before Appetite. Can I tell you something? I was listening to Guns & Roses BEFORE Appetite for Destruction came out. Credit goes to Tim Ashton, of course. They had an EP called ‘live like a fucking suicide’. It was later re-released as side two of ‘Lies’.
Hello… sorry – Todd Snider
I love Todd Snider, he is a folk troubadour, a la Arlo Guthrie, and his father before him. This isn’t a song, but an intro to one of his wonderful live collections… where he tells as many stories as he does sing songs. Got to see him live a few years ago, and it was everything I hoped it would be. One of my favorite clips you can find online is this. Too Soon To Tell.
Buckets of Rain – Bob Dylan
well, it’s no surprise the list featured the Dead and Bob Dylan. I still listen to Dylan almost daily. This is from the masterpiece ‘Blood on the Tracks’. This is a rather jaunty look at his miserable divorce… which the whole album is about. Young Bob Dylan was a God, and I am thrilled he got the Pulitzer. To me, 1974’s Blood on the Tracks is a mystery, of sorts. This is the music Bob Dylan was making up to 1966. This should be the successor to ‘Blonde on Blonde’. However, Bob went weird for almost a decade. For Bob to ‘go weird’… well that is saying something. Lay Lady Lay? What the hell was that? What was that thing he was doing with his voice?
It’s like Bob went in to witness protection from 1966 to 1974. Then, he comes back with Blood on the Tracks… and it is like he was never gone.
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