Geek Girl Special- All Wrapped Up, Holly Smale

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The 12 day countdown to Christmas began yesterday. To kickstart the holiday cheer, I’m reviewing a great Christmas-related read, Holly Smale’s novella, All Wrapped Up. The story, which is set between the first and second books of the Geek Girl series, was a light and fun holiday read.

The book focusses mainly on the adorable relationship between Harriet Manners and Nick Hidaka, two of the main characters in the series. While the story itself wasn’t my favourite of all of the Geek Girl books, it was entertaining none the less and certainly succeeded in putting me in a very festive mood. What I really loved about this book were the added activities, notes, ideas and even a short story titled ‘Team Geek’, which don’t appear in the other novels.

While this novella is a continuation of the first Geek Girl novel, I would still highly recommend it to anyone looking for a cute Christmas YA romance style read. I really enjoyed this short, festive novella and am hoping to read the other two Geek Girl novellas, Sunny Side Up (book 4.5) and Geek Drama (book 2.5), during the holidays.

Have you read this book or any other good festive books recently? Feel free to leave any comments below, I’d love to hear from you.



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