Gingrich Endorses Diana West’s AMERICAN BETRAYAL On Hannity

With thanks to Andrew Bostom for uploading the YouTube version of this segment, here’s former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich on the April 17th Fox News Sean Hannity show.  This is not the first time Gingrich gave an enthused recommendation for Diana West’s historical masterpiece American Betrayal.  He also did so in Congressional testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee in 2015.

Having read American Betrayal two times, word for word, I will tell you here that this book should be on the required text bibliography list for every American History class in every college and university in our nation.  It is nothing less than an heroic evidentiary exposé of what really went on inside America’s government during the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.

The book is a jaw-dropper.

Diana took a whole lot of heat from the neo-conservative right, led by David Horowitz and Ronald Radosh, when she published this opus.  From my viewpoint, what really set Radosh’s pants ablaze was Diana’s treatment of FDR’s right-hand man – Harry Hopkins.

You know how the saying goes:

If you’re taking a lot of flak, you’re directly over the target.

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