God Gave Us Family

Little Pup’s wolf family is on their way to a special reunion—with lots of cousins, games, roasting marshmallows, and fun! As the young wolf thinks about different kinds of families, it’s the perfect opportunity for Mama and Papa to teach their inquisitive child about the families that God brings together. Some families are big and others are small, some are led by grandparents or just one parent, and some families include adopted little ones– yet each family is truly special.
Even the members of Little Pup’s pack make up an important role in his family, although they sometimes pester him. Papa gently reminds his son…
“We need to love the family God gave us.”

Lisa Bergren is one of my favorite authors. Her series, River of Time, is one of my all time favorite series.

When I saw that she wrote children’s books, I was so happy. Kids’ books are the best. No judgement to anyone who still reads children’s books!
David Hohn did a wonderful job. The illustrations are adorable! It was hard to focus on actually reading the book instead looking at the pictures!

The point of the story was really cute. “We need to love the family God gave us.”

The cover deserves 5 stars. I really need to find more of David Hohn’s books!

Little Pup’s story also deserves 5 stars. This is a great story for all kids’ to read!


Title: God Gave Us Family

Author: Lisa Tawn Bergren

Illustrator: David Hohn

Author’s Website: http://lisatawnbergren.com/

Illustrator’s Website: http://www.davidhohn.com/


I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

This review is written in my own opinions and words.

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