Any good web designer or web copywriter will tell you that you cannot have duplicate content on your site. They’re right–in most cases.
According to Google, “Duplicate content refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar.” This means that when writing good web copy, each page should be original and blocks of copy should not be repeated within your site.
This also means that blocks of copy cannot be lifted from other sites and used on your site. Besides, this could be considered plagiarism without consent and attribution.
Google instates this rule to avoid deceptive practices by which content can be “deliberately duplicated in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic.” This also results in a poor user experience where a visitor sees the same content on various pages of your site, and can lose you credibility in their estimation.
“Google tries hard to index and show pages with distinct information,” it reports. If you are caught and determined to be guilty of deceptive practices, Google will make “appropriate adjustments in the indexing and ranking of the sites involved. As a result, the site may suffer, or be removed completely from the Google index, in which case it will no longer appear in search results.”
The ExceptionsThere are times, however, when duplicate copy cannot be avoided, such as with PDF-formatted items, printer-only versions, discussion forums that generate both regular and stripped-down pages for mobile devices, and store items linked via multiple distinct URLs. These are recognized by Google as “non-malicious” duplicate content.
Trust the Copywriting to the ExpertsProfessional copywriters, like those at All the Buzz, know the rules Google applies, and we work hard to provide unique and keyword-rich content to each of your online pages, whether they are web pages, blog posts or social media listings.
Navigating search engine optimization can be tricky, and although you can do it yourself, it is best left to the experts. You don’t want to make a mistake with something as important as your online business presence.
Contact All the Buzz for expert website copywriting.
–excerpted from Google’s rules for Duplicate Content
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