Happiness Purpose

by Janet Conner

Happiness was the hot spiritual topic for years. A daily tsunami of blogs and books and coaches offered path after path, each guaranteed to carry us to that elusive magical golden ring called Happiness.

Then came the American election. And overnight, the call to happiness disappeared.

This makes sense because happiness is weak medicine for the chaos and fear swirling around us. Happiness doesn’t help with sleepless nights. It isn’t an antidote to blowups with family, friends, and workmates. It doesn’t make a dent it racial, gender, or religious fear or persecution. Worried about spying and hacking? Happiness won’t help you.

Happiness even disappeared on Facebook! All those cute pictures of cats morphed into a barrage of memes to contact your representatives.

It’s wild out there.                               
It’s wild out there because it’s wild in here.

So, is there an antidote to chaos? To fear? Is there medicine for anger? Is there a medicine stranger than the pursuit of happiness? Yes, there is.

And it’s also the word of the hour. PURPOSE.

Everybody is talking purpose. Creativity teachers. Writing teachers. Women’s empowerment leaders. Retreat centers. Yoga gurus. Spiritual teachers. Not a day goes by that I don’t get an email with a course or blog or book on purpose.

And, surprise-of-surprises, I’m one of them.

This is a new experience for me!

  • When the world was tumbling into the meltdown of 2009, I was introducing deep soul writing.
  • When the world was obsessing over the law of attraction in 2012, I was teaching the radically different teachings of Jesus and Buddha.
  • While the world was enthralled with happiness in 2015, I was talking about gathering the living presence of the divine in your soul vows.

I’ve never been a hot topic before.

Mind you, my crystal ball did not tell me that the hot subject in 2017 would be purpose.

I knew my next book in Your Soul Wants Five Things would be on soul purpose, but I expected to write it this year and see it published in 2019.

When I got the call from Conari Press in March 2015 to write Find Your Soul’s Purpose for a 2017 pub date, I was so startled, I turned to the angels for guidance.

At the time, I didn’t understand their answer:

Dear one, your world is in a crisis now, and each that does their purpose will shift the alignment of what is happening, and so, you have been brought to this place of writing again faster than you expected, but in divine timing.

In early 2015, did you think our world was in crisis? Sure, there were problems aplenty, but crisis?

Now, there are so many crises, you can’t respond fast enough. You can’t focus, you can’t think, you can’t prioritize. We are distracted and we are exhausted.

So, what’s the antidote to crisis?

It clearly isn’t the pursuit of happiness.

But nor is it purpose in the standard-issue, self-help sense of life purpose or mission statement or goal setting. This is not figuring out how to be more focused and successful at work or in your relationships.

Soul purpose is more sacred than that.

The angels were right. We are feeling a call—a visceral call—to help shift the alignment of our world. Not just our lives. Our families. Our jobs. Our neighborhoods.

There’s a collective call to make a bigger difference. A call to heal. To serve. To support. And to sow love.

The global shift is possible. It has to be, because we are so hungry for it. And it begins with you. With me. With each one of us.

As we remember who we really are–one of the most astonishing discoveries on the sacred spiral, and begin to embody the unique divine purpose only we can serve, we literally infuse our earth with purpose, Divine Purpose. 

Janet Conner is a writer, speaker, teacher, retreat guide, and radio show host of The Soul-Directed Life radio show for Unity Online Radio. Each year she teaches five global telecourses in her trademark series Your Soul Wants Five Things, which offers spiritual tools and practices that help people meet their soul’s primary needs. She lives and writes in Ozona, Florida. Visit her online at www.janetconner.com.

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